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Category: Social networking
May 1, 2021
Is it really your business?
As creatures of society, we’re natural nosy and intrusive busy bodies. While there are laudable values in knowing what everyone else is doing (more able to help when help is truly needed), our native nature isn’t to good-hearted altruism. We gossip about everyone and everything. We have an opinion on everything and everyone. Seldom is […]
April 15, 2021
Keeping history alive
This is awesome! Spectacular! Enlightening! Annual Veterans Tribute Teacher Turns Student Questions About ‘Saving Private Ryan’ Into Annual Veterans Tribute Virginia Allen / @Virginia_Allen5 / April 15, 2021 Norris Learner and his wife Beth talk with Veterans Heritage Project student Jacob Jones about Learner’s military service. (Photo: Barbara Hatch) Harrison Kessel was in eighth grade when he interviewed World […]
September 1, 2015
Why government will fail
Obama’s press secretary is on record saying Congress is afraid of the NRA. Silliness. It’s we’re the government and we’re here to help trying to sway public opinion and walk on our freedoms. It’s time we began recognizing and decrying this for what it is. It isn’t “control the masses”, though it could be. It […]
August 20, 2015
Daily Rant
Apparently Bernie Sanders is advocating a free bachelor’s degree for all and someone on Laissez Faire Capitalism posted a mocking cartoon. I took exception to Bernie Sanders’ socialistic thinking and posted this: This is so interesting. It speaks to a complete failure to understand economics and the mechanics of supply and demand. The question regarding […]
March 27, 2013
Weather vane mentality
Something I read this morning sparked a thought. We know me. That’s always dangerous and often amusing in a “can you believe it” way. This morning’s fireworks sparkler can be attributed to an article by IowaHawk on Breitbart on same sex marriage. First, it’s the kind of writing I love, expressing obvious common sense with humor […]
February 26, 2013
It’s all about what is disgusting
I just watch the most fascinating talk about how our tolerance for disgust determines our politics. It’s one of those illuminating discussion, one that I will watch a number of times. This is the second really illuminating thing I’ve run into in the last two weeks. I’m on a roll!
June 28, 2012
Dashed expectations
ken n 1: range of what one can know or understand; “beyond my ken” [syn: cognizance] 2: the range of vision; “out of sight of land” [syn: sight] For some reason beyond my current ken, I expected more from SCOTUS today on their ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Healthcare act. To say I’m […]
June 16, 2012
Favorite news sources
In my RSS feed (I use Bloglines as I’m still boycotting Google) I have over 30 hard and soft news sources. I can get away with having this many because most don’t produce a lot of data daily. For example, one of my favorite singers, Diana Krall, adds concert dates every couple months. I subscribe […]
June 16, 2012
Where the news is
Over the last six months the way I get my news has changed. I used to be a devotee of Fox, but the cancellation of Judge Napolitano’s Freedom Watch was the end of a slow change. Napolitano’s show was the one I would watch faithfully. Fox’s cancellation signaled a shift by Fox toward a more […]
April 24, 2012
Going postal
The USPS is facing big problems. They can’t afford to meet their pension obligations, a problem which is the result of poor management (nobody can do poor management quite like the government), union manipulation (the root of the pension problem in the first place) and a really poor business model. So, what to do, what […]