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Category: Economics
March 28, 2021
The truth about “green” energy
I’m astounded that common sense and logic have no place in the thinking of the green energy advocates. After the disaster in Texas where people froze to death because the government (federal) would not let the state (wtf?) ensure there was sufficient backup for the “green” energy when it failed, you’d think more people would have […]
March 7, 2021
Sorry CATO, no donation
I donate every year to a number of organizations/foundations/charities. When I shopped at Amazon I used their smile donation for Samaritan’s Purse, the best charity ever. Now that I no longer use Amazon, I’ve added them to my donation list along with Freedom Foundation, Convention of States, Heritage Action, Judicial Watch, Heritage Foundation and Sidney […]
August 21, 2017
Climate Change Ridiculousness
OMGosh, the climate change alarmists have just gotten more ridiculous. Here’s the problem as I see it. Because those who knew the global cooling/warming/climate change science was massively flakey didn’t have a platform to express their horror/dismay/disbelief at the complete crap going into reports like the one produced by Michael Mann, the IPCC and other […]
November 30, 2016
Having health care is not a milestone
I signed up for Apple Care, our state’s health care exchange. Until now I’ve paid for my health care out of pocket and that has worked wonderfully well for me. I’d like to continue to do that and have a high deductible policy that covered me in case of disaster but that’s not available to […]
August 20, 2015
December 18, 2012
Rephrasing the argument
This morning the Tea Party’s Facebook feed has another “bad Obama” posting. Various conservative groups run this sort of thing almost weekly. The latest is a repeat of how “bad” Obama is because he vacations in Hawaii and he’s off to do it again soon and it costs $4 million and “ew, isn’t that horrible”. […]
July 31, 2012
Milton Friedman’s 100th
Today is Milton Friedman’s 100th birthday. There are few people for whom I have as much respect, nor any I laud more frequently. In celebration of his birthday, I’d like to extend this idea. What if, in the process of writing new legislation, a short treatise was required that referenced all the prior related legislation, […]
June 16, 2012
April 1, 2012
Still riding the “ain’t no such thing” global warming horse
The rain can stop any time now. If it doesn’t, I’m considering ark building as a potential hobby. There’s lots going on in the global warming debate. Much of the steam has seeped out of the global warmists’ engine. Poland, among other EU eastern border countries, has told the rest of the EU to eff […]