September 7, 2011
Mother Earth News
If you’re a conservative, if you like settled science, if you think global warming is unsettled, you won’t like the direction Mother Earth News has taken. The August issue had a big splashy article with lots of made up *facts* about global warming. I think I set a new record . . . I subscribed AND unsubscribed in under 4 hours. Even for me, that’s short. Here’s my unsubscribe request.
After reading through a single issue of Mother Earth News, it is apparent the magazine is not for me. While I think taking care of our planet is important, the magazine pushes pseudo-science as true science, something I find to be unconscionable. This is not an agenda I can support. Refund my unused subscription, please. MEN is not a periodical I want to read nor a business I wish to support.