March 8, 2011
Hot Air
I just participated in a “who would you vote for for President” survey on Hot Air. It gave me the chance to voice why I prefer Gingrich as our Presidential candidate. For popularity, he might not be the best choice, and he does have some baggage, but for someone who knows how Washington works and has experience in reducing the size of government, I think he is in a class by himself. He also has an excellent grasp of foreign affairs. I chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. Here’s what I posted as my final comment.
I follow politics pretty closely. I comment where I think it’s appropriate and blog when something strikes me particularly hard. I adore Sarah Palin but I don’t believe she has all the parts that will make her the president we need. With that said, I think she would be an outstanding Interior Secretary because she truly knows the land and its resources and knows how to intelligently take advantage of the riches America has to offer. I would like to see her be the candidate for Vice-President because of her conservative draw. I think she can easily do a better job as Vice-President than Joe Biden. She’s smart, she’s practical and she’s down to earth. She connects with the common man. If we had had a true conservative as our last conservative presidential candidate with Sarah as in the VP slot, I think we could have beat Obama.