June 16, 2010
God Bless America!
Did you watch Obama’s “oil crisis” speech last night? If I’d heard the speech 50 days ago I might have been impressed on how swiftly he leaped to action. This far into a totally bungled crisis the speech smacks of damage control and justification for Cap and Tax.
Did you catch the “God bless America” bit at the end? In light of his consistent dissing of the US, the European apology tour, the tacit support of illegal immigration (no fence and “Arizona got it wrong”), with the explosion of our unfunded mandates under his administration and the hack job his cabinet is doing on capitalism, after the protracted dragging of feet in getting a handle on the oil spill (he turned down other nation’s swift and heartfelt offers of experienced assistance and hasn’t utilized the available resources here in the US), now he wants us to think he’s got America in his prayers? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I don’t know about you, but for me, Obama’s “God bless America” is definitely one bridge too far.
And while we’re on God and country, I have to comment on Pelosi’s latest little “God is good” speech. Now that the Democrats are beginning to realize the majority of the nation’s citizenry are God fearing Christians unhappy with the current state of Government, now we’re getting scripture from Pelosi. Ick. And telling the ministers to pass on political agenda messages is just SO wrong. What happened to separation of church and state? It must only apply to the “other guys.” I don’t know how much more two faced this administration can get. It’s like watching a clan of Sybils in Washington. Somebody, please, break out the Thorazine.
I don’t know about you, but I’m taking showers more often. I have to do something to wash off the comprehensive ick I’m getting from contact with the Government. Yuck.