November 8, 2011


DOS attack on HeritageAction?

by Nori
Categories: Economics, Energy, Government, Social networking, Taxing the American Public, Wising up
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One of the sites that’s doing a good job of highlighting the disparity between liberal spin and cold hard fact is the Heritage Foundation.  I tried to get to their spin-off Heritage Action this morning and got a 503 (no server available) this morning.  Denial of service attack was the first thing that came to mind.  I’ve seen it before . . . if someone doesn’t like the the view they try and paint over the window.

The word IS getting out.  It’s getting out on CO2 and anthropogenic global warming.  It’s getting out on what’s really going on in government.  It’s getting out on how bigger government is stripping us of our rights and freedoms.  The word IS getting out.