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Category: Religion
May 1, 2021
August 26, 2015
Everything Old is New Again
There was a time in human history when communities were rounded up, imprisoned, dissected, murdered, starved and harvested, and the surrounding population turned a blind eye. This complicity was national and the debasement of a whole sect of people was rationalized because they were considered sub-human. A nation bought into this abuse because it was […]
March 27, 2013
October 2, 2011
On Libertarianism and Jillette’s God No!
After becoming immersed in studying the government over the last couple years I’ve developed a different view of our country’s political parties. Wadly and I are ex-Republican non-religious social conservatives. I think we’ve been pushed out of the Republican party and into Libertarianism by a level of governmental overreach we think is killing our country, […]
May 2, 2011
Principle FIRST
I’m having a bit of trouble with people advocating flexible principles based on circumstance. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Sean Hannity, but . . . <wince> Come on, Sean. It doesn’t matter what bin Ladin did before we managed to remove him from the equation, we must do the right thing according to […]
April 17, 2011
Too funny . . .
This is the point when I admit to occasionally being totally unPC. If you knew me, I mean really knew me, you’d know it happens occasionally. Like the time I worked for the County and told the guy who came in asking for an application for his wife that we didn’t have anyone who wanted […]
November 21, 2010
Religion, Science and HuffPo
I got an email railing about love, acceptance and interpretation of the bible. Included in the email was a “Science Must Destroy Religion” editorial published on the Huffington Post in 2006. The email evidently hit the right button for me to get wordy. First of all, anyone who wastes time reading HuffPo seriously needs their […]
October 23, 2010
In pain? Out of breath?
There’s been a lot of comment about Obama’s deliberate omission of “by our creator” when quoting from the Declaration of Independence. He’s done it twice in the last two months. It seems the volume of hue and cry has had an impact. Obama is finally showing proper respect to our Declaration of Independence. To me […]
August 30, 2010
The Ulitmate Beckness
Did you watch the Restoring Honor rally in our nation’s capital? I did. It was a little bit too much black religious revival for me, but I truly appreciate the message, enjoyed the stories and music. Bless the Boy Scout who lead the Pledge of Allegiance. I enjoyed it because its goal was to rally […]
July 15, 2010
Race, the Tea Party, NAACP
Have you been watching the latest blathering from the NAACP about the Tea Party movement? Is it any wonder conservative blacks no longer feel the NAACP is an organization with a message and purpose they can support? There is a lot of truth in the statement that the NAACP is now irrelevant. I’m hearing it […]