August 30, 2010


The Ulitmate Beckness

by Nori
Categories: Politics, Religion
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Did you watch the Restoring Honor rally in our nation’s capital?  I did.  It was a little bit too much black religious revival for me, but I truly appreciate the message, enjoyed the stories and music.  Bless the Boy Scout who lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

I enjoyed it because its goal was to rally people around the core set of ideals our country was founded on; honesty, integrity, personal responsibility.  In our world I see way too many people who think the end justifies the means.  It doesn’t.  I think now days people don’t put enough emphasis on these valued personal characteristics.

Webster defines honor as “that which rightfully attracts esteem, respect, or consideration; self-respect; dignity; courage; fidelity; especially, excellence of character; high moral worth;”.  That definition works for me.

I avoid people who don’t share my values and ideals.  I hate turning around to find a knife protruding from my back.  Call me a radical, but it isn’t good for me personally and it’s definitely not good for our country.

You’ll notice I didn’t mention or pull religion into the discussion, though the rally was completely infused with the “return to God” message.  Religion is important as it is the definitive guide of right and wrong, but it just isn’t my favored measure of a person’s worth.  Case in point, I’ve met pedophiles who believed in God, prayed regularly and preached the gospel.  Anyone who’s watched the news knows it’s a depravity that spans the realm of religious ideology.  I don’t think anyone can argue pedophiles are detrimental to society.  And we all know at least one “highly religious” person who is unable to “see” people in need and we all know people who tithe or help others in the belief they are guaranteeing their place in the next life, not because they feel the calling.  I stand by my statement that belief and externally apparent religiosity isn’t a guarantee of honor, integrity or personal responsibility.

I also know atheists with an exceptionally strong sense of honor who display an advanced willingness to instantly extend their resources when help is needed.

I don’t care what religion a person is.  I don’t care how religious a person is.  Religiosity and a belief in God is not a measure of personal integrity, honor or level of personal responsibility.

So, back to Beck.  The rally was great.  The oppositional rhetoric was amusing.  For me, it’s the little things I find so amusing.  This article’s the best I’ve found.  NBC’s “thanks but no thanks” was particularly amusing.