March 17, 2012



by Nori
Categories: Economics, Politics, Social networking, Taxing the American Public, Wising up
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Have you had days when you didn’t feel particularly nice?  I think we all do. Now that I’m older, I generally try to rein in the chaos-generating waves, where in the past I would have let my pencil fly.  So, here is the kinder, gentler take on Sandra Fluke and the argument she’s put forth.

Has the Sandra Fluke thing bothered you at all?  I have to say, it’s bothered me on a number of levels.  I’m wondering if her last name isn’t a signifier.  You do know what a fluke is, don’t you?  It’s a parasite which leeches your nutrients and weakens you.  It’s a bit ironic that Ms. Fluke is studying to be a lawyer, a totally different kind of parasite AND shares the name of a class of parasites.

So why do I have trouble with Ms. Fluke’s stand on the taxpayers paying for her birth control?

  • The entitlement mentality (“you owe it to me”).  This is just wrong, but it is what we get when we raise a generation of citizens with an absence of ethical self-actualization.  This is the “easy path” generation.  They are not an accurate reflection of the ideology that built this great nation.  The French, they are among us.
  • Since when did women’s “rights” include me paying your bill?  A woman has the right to equal opportunity, not the right to be turned into a dependent of the taxpayer.
  • It embraces the socialistic ideology of equality without effort.  While she is fully capable of finding an extra $9 a month to pay for her own birth control, she feels she should be entitled to someone else picking up the tab.  It does not speak well of her that she’s unable to budget her resources sufficiently to handle this herself.  Sadly, she’s of an age where she will probably never gain that degree of ethical self-actualization.  A parasite is born.

Maybe the movement chose the wrong person as front person.  To choose a lawyer in training who shares a name with a common parasite may have just been a wrong move.

Here’s a psychotherapist’s take on the whole affair. If you read nothing else about the Sandra Fluke affair, please make the time to read this.