I have a voice archive
Author: DJ

February 7, 2009


When too much is too much

by DJ
Categories: Economics, General
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Comments: 3 Comments

Recently I joined the twitter movement. My personal jury is still out on twittering, but I have gotten at least one positive out of the experience: I am learning new things. This post is about one of those new things. I am following a girlfriend from work. She’s a marketing guru. If she reads this, […]

December 16, 2008


Green — new tradition or excuse?

by DJ
Categories: Energy
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I am starting to see a disturbing trend with my friends. I am getting electronic Christmas cards all in the name of being green and leaving a smaller carbon footprint on the earth. While I applaud them for sending me anything at all, it distresses me to read that they are sending an electronic card […]

November 30, 2008


My Right to Bear Arms

by DJ
Categories: Politics
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Comments: 1 Comment

I am a big advocate of the right to carry a firearm should I so desire. Today, an article appeared in my local newspaper that identifies a trend in states who already have instruments in place allowing you to carry your weapon in a concealed manner, to take the concept to the next level: open […]

November 20, 2008


Save Money, Save Jobs

by DJ
Categories: Energy
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I work at a very progressive company. They totally support and promote employees working from home. This allows them to occupy two buildings instead of three or four. It saves on rent, it saves on resources. Their buildings are ‘green‘ and hold the LEED Silver Certification. It may not impress you, but impresses me. Recently […]

November 7, 2008


On the topic of programming…

by DJ
Categories: Energy, General
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Comments: 1 Comment

Brilliant! Just brilliant! I am writing a post instead of commenting because I have a different spin on the whole programming issue to get off my chest. My partner-in-crime on this blog is truly brilliant. She has spoiled me horribly over the years by using the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) method. Now I’m a […]

October 26, 2008


A Breath of Fresh Air in Journalism

by DJ
Categories: Politics
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Comments: 2 Comments

Every Sunday morning, I typically hang out on the couch and watch the TV show of the same name, Sunday Morning. I got into this habit years ago when Charles Kuralt was the show’s host. This morning, Sunday Morning featured journalist, Tina Brown, who many know, but I did not. Anytime an editor or publisher […]

October 22, 2008


Boom or Bust?

by DJ
Categories: Energy
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Comments: 4 Comments

They said, “the Barnett-Shale is going to produce jobs for years to come.” They said, “the Barnett-Shale is going to open new avenues for natural gas production.” They were wrong. Well. Not totally wrong. But close. It is very true that the Barnett-Shale is the largest natural gas find in North American history. It is […]

October 2, 2008


Blah, blah, blah

by DJ
Categories: Politics
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I am sure that my good friend will have more to say on this subject, however all I can say about the vice presidential debate is… blah, blah, blah… it is making my head spin. Both candidates… blah, blah, blah. I feel like a Peanuts character listening to the teacher talk, “wah, wah, wha? whawha…”

September 25, 2008


Don’t save me from myself

by DJ
Categories: Energy, Politics
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In 2004 my home flooded. Not just a little either. Not as bad as New Orleans in 2005 and not as bad as Galveston in 2008. But it did flood bad enough to require moving out and rebuilding. What I learned from this experience is you have got to act quickly and you cannot rely […]

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